Quarter One – Quiz Winners 2018

Quarter One – Joint Quiz Winners 2018

Emmaus North East and Heart of Kent

We had two winners for the first quarter of our predictive quiz, the prize money will be shared between Emmaus North East and Heart of Kent Hospice.

Emmaus North East were delighted to win a donation to their charity from Kudos in the annual prediction quiz. Mark from Heart of Kent Hospice was one of the few people that predicated Ireland would win the Six Nations and Chris from Emmaus North East was spot-on with FTSE index prediction.

The Oscar Academy Film Awards Best Picture was a tough one to predict this year but well done to those of you that got it right with ‘The Shape of Water’. Only one person predicted that a Whippet would win Crufts, disappointment for the Terrier, Labrador and other breed lovers – do we all predict that our own breed of dog will be the winner?

The Kudos quiz for 2018 was issued in December 2017 and we received lot of entries from our charities. Watch this space for our next quarters quiz winner as each month a donation of £100 goes to the winner.

Good luck to all the entrants of the 2018 Kudos prediction quiz.

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